Engen has designed its own power center for a major sports facility in Chelyabinsk.
RMK-Arena in Chelyabinsk will have its own power center based on Weichai CHP plants and a backup diesel generator. Engen LLC, a supplier of highly efficient solutions in the distributed energy sector of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, designs and builds the power center.
An individual concept was created for the power center of the new arena: it was important to design the project in accordance with the overall architecture of the facility. “The CHP plant will be located on a separate site within the city, and we tried to make the power center beautiful and attractive. Therefore, we created a concept with lawns and exclusive fences, which was approved by the city administration and will be implemented at the final stage of the works related to landscaping,” says Artemy Nikolayev, technical director of Engen LLC. — The design documentation has passed the non-state examination and received a positive opinion. We are now at the stage of developing working documentation.
Trigeneration of energy
The power center will provide heating and air conditioning for the premises. “Using the principle of trigeneration—the combined cooling, heat and power production—will make it possible to maintain the high efficiency of the power center both in winter and in summer. To cool the air, refrigeration equipment is installed in the power center,” explains Artemy Nikolayev. The plant's electric power will be 4.7 MW, and its thermal power will be about 16 MW.
The project provides for installing seven Weichai 12M33NG plants on the area of 1,500 sq. meters. Chinese-made equipment runs on natural gas with an electrical efficiency level of 40.8 %. The cylinder block is made of cast iron and is equipped with separate inspection hatches. The crankshaft is made of high-alloy steel with induction-hardened main journals, rod journals and fillets. Aluminum alloy pistons are equipped with wear-resistant rings. The high quality of materials, assembly and manufacturing techniques make Weichai gas piston equipment optimal for projects and systems requiring stand-alone power supply.
Standby diesel generator
The high self-sufficiency parameters of the power center equipment will be maintained and enhanced by an additional power source. “We are currently designing a diesel generator set that will serve as a backup source of electricity,” says the technical director of Engen. “The diesel generator will be located in a separate box on the territory of the power center and will be designed for eight hours of fully autonomous operation.”
10 employees per shift will service the plant. These are operators, engineers, technical professionals, repairmen and administrators who will take on the entire operation of the power center. Administrative and operator rooms, technical areas, shower and washing rooms, rest rooms and cafeteria have been designed for personnel comfort.
RMK-Arena in Chelyabinsk will have its own power center based on Weichai CHP plants and a backup diesel generator. Engen LLC, a supplier of highly efficient solutions in the distributed energy sector of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, designs and builds the power center.
An individual concept was created for the power center of the new arena: it was important to design the project in accordance with the overall architecture of the facility. “The CHP plant will be located on a separate site within the city, and we tried to make the power center beautiful and attractive. Therefore, we created a concept with lawns and exclusive fences, which was approved by the city administration and will be implemented at the final stage of the works related to landscaping,” says Artemy Nikolayev, technical director of Engen LLC. — The design documentation has passed the non-state examination and received a positive opinion. We are now at the stage of developing working documentation.
Trigeneration of energy
The power center will provide heating and air conditioning for the premises. “Using the principle of trigeneration—the combined cooling, heat and power production—will make it possible to maintain the high efficiency of the power center both in winter and in summer. To cool the air, refrigeration equipment is installed in the power center,” explains Artemy Nikolayev. The plant's electric power will be 4.7 MW, and its thermal power will be about 16 MW.
The project provides for installing seven Weichai 12M33NG plants on the area of 1,500 sq. meters. Chinese-made equipment runs on natural gas with an electrical efficiency level of 40.8 %. The cylinder block is made of cast iron and is equipped with separate inspection hatches. The crankshaft is made of high-alloy steel with induction-hardened main journals, rod journals and fillets. Aluminum alloy pistons are equipped with wear-resistant rings. The high quality of materials, assembly and manufacturing techniques make Weichai gas piston equipment optimal for projects and systems requiring stand-alone power supply.
Standby diesel generator
The high self-sufficiency parameters of the power center equipment will be maintained and enhanced by an additional power source. “We are currently designing a diesel generator set that will serve as a backup source of electricity,” says the technical director of Engen. “The diesel generator will be located in a separate box on the territory of the power center and will be designed for eight hours of fully autonomous operation.”
10 employees per shift will service the plant. These are operators, engineers, technical professionals, repairmen and administrators who will take on the entire operation of the power center. Administrative and operator rooms, technical areas, shower and washing rooms, rest rooms and cafeteria have been designed for personnel comfort.