ENGEN - Company news

Engen has implemented a project for the construction of a 110/6kV substation for Steel Armor.

2022-10-23 16:46
The facility was constructed against the backdrop of a difficult economic situation. The main difficulty was the need to quickly shift from European products provided for by the project to domestic ones without deterioration of quality and technical characteristics. This led to selecting the equipment of leading domestic manufacturers, which is not inferior to foreign analogues, and even surpasses them in some ways.

A 110 kV open switchgear was manufactured by Uralelectrotyazhmash JSC, a 6 kV indoor switchgear was manufactured by Tavrida-Electric, and a substation control house (that includes an automated process control system, relay protection and emergency automation) was developed by the specialists from Prosoft-Systems.

Manufacturers provide an extended warranty for all equipment. Thus, the warranty for a substation control house and a HV open switchgear is 5 years from the date of commissioning of the facilities, for the indoor switchgear – 10 years, and for switches within the indoor switchgear - 30 years, which is the maximum period in the electrical equipment market and confirms the high quality of these solutions.

“We are proud that the substation supplied by us is completed on the basis of equipment designed and manufactured in Russia. Our company always adheres to the principle of building long-term cooperation with customers, and we often undertake further operation of commissioned facilities. Therefore, we approach the issue of choosing partners with all responsibility and work only with the most reliable companies on the market, because we are responsible for the implemented projects with our reputation,” said Evgeniy Solomein, Commercial Director of Engen LLC. – We have supplied a full range of substation equipment to the Steel Armor. This is the seventh project for the construction of a 110 kV to 500 kV high-voltage substation that we have implemented for our customers, not counting more than 50 projects for the modernization and expansion of on-site distribution networks.”

"The plant for producing lining for ball mills is scheduled to launch in Q1 2023. The production capacity of the enterprise will be 14,000 tons at the first stage of the enterprise development. The products will be made of chromium–molybdenum steel characterized by high strength,” said Anton Glazyrin, General Director of Steel Armor. “We have extremely high requirements for our suppliers, because it is important to us that productive and reliable equipment, especially energy equipment, is operated at the plant."